Learn how to deal with grief, and

apply those skills over a lifetime.

… this is… When Good Grief Rocks


When Good Grief Rocks, you’ll be looking back and thinking it was so worth taking this course.

Grief is a challenger and will not be ignored. Grief support can help.


Learn how to deal with loss and change and stop the hurt with online grief training and support. 

Do you think you’ll find more or less loss and change as you and your loved ones age? (rhetorical question)

10 weeks on Zoom teaches you a life skill that skills you for a lifetime.  As a grief coach, I guide you through The Grief Recovery Method®, to address the normal and natural [often conflicting] emotional responses to loss and change (aka grief) one step at a time, in a way that makes you feel able to move on with the confidence that you can move forward.


Losing people (and pets!) due to

  • death, diagnosis, divorce (the three d’s most often understood as the only grief there is)

and leaving places

  • moves, graduations, job transfer or loss or retirement 

and losing states of being

  • belonging, security, safety, mobility, independance, autonomy, connection 

are just a few losses 

  • there are over 40 of them

a human may endure in one lifetime.


Some losses happen in clusters

  • caregivers, for example, especially 
  • caregivers of both children and parents at the same time

and makes loss and change and the emotional weight of it all (aka grief) even more challenging.  


Download this Guide for Loss to affirm your journey as a Griever and that you are not alone. 

 <Book a call> or <email me> to learn more about how to feel better by taking this course with me.

As a Grief Coach, I help you get a grip on grief so grief doesn’t get a grip on you. First of all, we affirm that your grief is a normal and natural emotional response to loss (ends or changes in familiar patterns) and deserves compassionate attention.

Does Grief Weigh You Down?

If you aren’t treating grief as normal and worthy of attention (culture doesn’t want you to)…

If you would rather not open up and honor the [often conflicting] emotions that grief is bringing to light (Pandora’s Box anyone?)… 

then you are bearing the weight of unresolved grief. 


Unresolved grief can look like

  • wishes that you or someone else woulda / coulda / shoulda said or done something differently.
  • regrets or resentments or ruminations that keep taking up rent-free space in your head.
  • hanging on to hopes, dreams, and expectations that (and you know it) have little or no chance of happening as you wish .


Where does the emotional weight of grief go, if you haven’t processed it? Nowhere. Emotions are energy in motion, if you haven’t dealt with them, they hang around, weighing you down.  

Grief support will take less time than waiting to feel better.  

Time doesn’t heal grief, and action does. Getting through grief to relief is about making a series of specific choices one practical step at a time. We meet weekly for 10 weeks, 1-2 hours/week on Zoom, learning the Grief Recovery Method®. 

Book a call or email me to discuss the options that work best for you:

  • Option 1: Solo/duo sessions, 60-75 minutes long, 10 weeks via Zoom.
  • Option 2: 3-6 people, 2 hours long, 10 weeks via Zoom.
  • Option 3: Plan training for employees at work, or for groups in community




Culture uses  

to deal with


(The Dyscopian Strategies of Grief) 

Culture has us deal with grief by not dealing, by   ignoring / burying/ stuffing the [often conflicting] emotions of grief and pretending we’re fine.

We’re led to ignore the emotional weight of wishing for different, better or more with these “coping” strategies that don’t work (esp. long term) hence these are dyscopian strategies: 

Replace the loss 

(with a new person? a new place? a new thing? We are taught how to acquire things and not what to do when we lose them.)

Don’t feel bad

(Why not? Loss hurts. Does it go away when you pretend it doesn’t? when you pretend you’re fine?)

Grieve Alone

(Why? Feeling like we’re the only ones can cause even more suffering.)

Just Give It Time

(Have you seen folks grieve for years without end? Time doesn’t heal grief. Action does.)

Be Strong for Others

(Do you really want to take care of other’s discomfort before taking care of your normal and natural [often conflicting] emotional responses to loss and change? You can step away from dis-ease to please)

Keep Busy

(Being busy often makes us even more tired, at an even greater loss and does nothing to relieve the hurt/ache or heart/ache).


None of these tactics we’ve been taught across generations provide relief from grief.

When Good Grief Rocks, you’ll have tossed cultural norms about grief to the side, honored the feelings you are feeling, and made a series of specific actions/choices to address the loss and grief causing you pain and suffering.

I teach you how to do that in 10 weeks, once a week, over Zoom.


Learning The Grief Recovery Method®, enables you to face the [in]evitable and [un]predictable losses that happen to all us over a lifetime. Why not learn a life skill so that you are skilled for life?


Culture has us using mind games to pretend we’re fine and assume the emotional baggage will go away and we will feel better or different over time.

The thing is, using our heads to address matters of a broken heart is like using a hammer to paint a wall. It’s not the right tool and can make an even bigger mess.

As a grief coach, I’ll train you in the life skill of processing the unresolved grief that is weighing you down.

You learn The Grief Recovery Method® once. Apply when necessary over a lifetime of loss and change.

This is targeted, finite grief coaching that prepares you to use your life-enhancing skills when you need them.

When Good Grief Rocks, you have the Method and its tools at the ready. You lighten up from the emotional baggage of loss and change by using your skills whenever you need them. You listen to what’s going on within you instead of around you and that gives you a better understanding from the insight out. Grief Recovery means you’ve completed the pain and suffering due to a loss/change, and that gives you the space to reclaim a zest for life.

Grief support via The Grief Recovery Method® trains you to better deal with your grief, and it also helps you be there for others who grieve

– this is When Good Grief Rocks.


It’s hard to live a day when one doesn’t meet a griever in our midst. It’s common to not know what to say or do. 

The grief support you receive in this training also helps you to feel more knowledgeable and prepared to serve as a comforting presence for those who are grieving around you.

At Home. At Work. And in Your Community. 


Grief Accompanied